Monday, January 27, 2014

Thing 1

My registration is complete and I am not the list.  Are we really supposed to be doing all of these on our mobile devices?  Between frostbite and kitchen burns, my fingers don't have what it takes to use a touch screen so I rely heavily on the keys of my computer-any computer.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Adventure Begins

Below are notes from the website ( that I have included in my blog so that I can reference them all within my blog. I have so much to learn. By including the web URL, am I good with the copyright of the information below?

 Registration occurs as part of Thing 1 and begins January 15, 2014. You must register your blog by February 15, 2014 and then complete all 23 Things by June 15, 2014. Each person participating must have and register his/her own blog.

How it Works:
 We have identified the 23 Things for you to do over the course of the program, but you decide when you do them, the amount of time you spend, and the depth of your exploration. Each of the 23 Things may take an hour to explore or longer depending upon your interest and the time you want to put into it. You document your participation by setting up and maintaining a blog, which is Thing 1. Each Thing will show you many different apps. These apps will cover a variety of topics: social media, presentations, photography, reference, news, notes, games, and so much more. We have a lot for you to explore and experiment with to determine how you may use these in your library, for your professional development, or personally. 

Tutorial Format:
 Each Thing begins with a brief explanation of the app category, followed by many suggested apps and some tips on how to use them. The tips give you the background needed to understand the apps. Don’t skip them! When you have read and done the tips for each Thing, write a blog post about your experience. (You will learn how to set up a blog in Thing 1.) Your blog is the tool to communicate your reactions, new-found skills, ideas, questions, and favorite apps to the other 23 Mobile Things participants and is how your completion of all 23 Things is documented. There may be some workshops offered in different multitype regions to support this program, but not for every Thing. This is a self-paced program, but staff are encouraged to work together in their libraries or regions and share with each other their discoveries and techniques in person and through their blogs.

 Everyone who registers by February 15, 2014, completes all 23 items on the list, and blogs about each one by June 15, 2014 will receive a completion prize.Otherwise, there is no deadline and this course will remain online.